Dolphins and Turtles and Otters, Oh My!


Image result for dolphin dorsal fin

The cool sea breeze blows over your head, the only thing that is above the water. Waves gush around as you swim a little farther out than usual. Suddenly you hear something. Splashing. The movement of water. You turn away from the shore, terrified to see a dorsal fin skimming through the water at a terrifying speed towards you. You can’t move. Should I swim away? Should I call for help? By the time you figure out that fleeing might be your best option, the beast is upon you. You close your eyes and pray for a quick death. Then, the beast surges out of the water! And… it’s a dolphin.  

Clearwater Marine Aquarium Logo:

Sorry if I gave you a heart attack; I wanted to spice up the intoduction. This week’s post will be about the fintastic Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Florida. Here, the Clearwater marine staff and volunteers work hard every day to rescue marine life, providing the most advanced and effective care to give these animals the best chance of getting better and returning to their home. When people find animals that are injured or seem sick, they report it to them, and they promptly rush to the rescue. Along with providing the top care for animals, they also provide a home for ones that are too injured to live in the wild.  

Clearwater Marine Aquarium staff releasing a turtle into the ocean:

Image result for clearwater aquarium staff

Though some animals become permanent residents, when any animal comes into their care, they immediately develop a special rehabilitation plan with the goal of returning it to the wild. They also make sure to give each animal a name fitting their personality. When it would not be in the animal’s best interests to return it to the wild, it stays there its whole life, working as an ambassador for the conservation of its species.  

But animals aren’t the only ones the aquarium helps. “We educate and inspire millions of people around the world through films like Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2. People relate to the strength it takes to overcome obstacles, as brave animals exemplify that every day. By inviting guests to see firsthand how we care for these animals, we create powerful experiences that change lives and make a difference,” says their website. Along with inspiring millions of people, they also take part in educating them about the importance of marine life and our role in protecting it.  

Rescuing Winter: 

One of the most popular examples of animals they helped was Winter the dolphin. You’ve probably heard of, or even watched the movies they came out with, about her rescue. The movies aren’t entirely true to the story, but they still capture the essence of the Aquarium, and how animals reflect lots of our qualities, inspiring us in ways we wouldn’t imagine. Winter’s story is what put this place on the map. She was found stranded in Mosquito Lagoon near Cape Canaveral, Florida, December 10, 2005. Despite what the movie says, she got her name because she was found in the chilly month of December. She was only two months old, alone, tangled in a crab net. They got her untangled and transported her to the center as quickly and carefully as possible. Despite their tireless efforts and top-notch treatment, they were forced to amputate Winter’s tail.  

Winter’s new tail!

Image result for winter the dolphin

They weren’t very hopeful, because most dolphins caught in nets don’t survive long. But they would soon be in for a surprise. She adapted to her new physical form and began making a fast recovery. Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc., together with Dr. Mike Walsh, CMA’s marine mammal veterinarian, and their world-class marine mammal trainers, created a unique plan to attach a prosthetic tail to Winter so she could swim like a normal dolphin. This procedure was eventually a success, and Winter lives today, an inspiration of perseverance. She connects, not only to people with prosthetic limbs, but for anyone who faces any trial.

Winter is an inspiration to many: 

Thank you for reading this week’s post! Check out this link to see Winter in her enclosure today: . Be sure to explore other areas of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium website to read more incredible rescue stories and learn about how these animals serve as an inspiration for others. And if you’re a fan of inspirational movies like me, be sure to watch Dolphin Tale one and two. Be warned! You may need a Kleenex box. Before you go, I have a joke for you; why do dolphins not do well on tests? Have any ideas? Be sure to comment your guesses. Have a great weekend! 🙂





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